Kanching Rainforest Waterfall

Kanching Rainforest Waterfall Go Admin



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between Selayang and Rawang, Kuala Lumpur

The Kanching Rainforest Waterfall is set amidst a huge forest reserve with five hectares of area. The place is extremely popular for camping, picnic, jungle walking and swimming. The visitors can walk up the concrete paths to reach different levels situated at different elevations. Levels three and four are highly popular among the visitors where they can enjoy swimming in the clear waters or savour on the beauty of the nature. The concrete paths end at level four and the levels beyond are a bit difficult to negotiate. The surroundings and settings of the forest definitely make up for an altogether great experience.

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One Response to Kanching Rainforest Waterfall

  1. Jon Suffolk says:

    I visited Kanching Falls today for the first time in 5 years. The amount of rubbish right through the park up to the 7th level was very disappointing. This is such a beautiful park that is nearly destroyed by mainly local visitors. I saw people throwing rubbish into the falls. What a shame.

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